Monday, February 25, 2013

Invisible Children

              Imagine a person you look up to because they are courageous and work for something meaningful  and that has a purpose, when I think of the people I look up to I imagine family members and invisible children workers. Invisible children is a dedicated and hard working group of people that are putting their life at risk to help save children from becoming soldiers and also try to stop the war so the current child soldiers can be reunited with their family. Invisible Children understand that human life is very valuable and needs to be cared for. Invisible Children is an organization that contains many important people that help the situation in Africa. These people are trying to make a difference in our world and help a places in Africa from Joseph Kony. Invisible Children are on a mission to free child soldiers and stop Joseph Kony. The founders of this wonderful organization and the former and current workers are people that we should all look up to and try to be, they are making such an impact on these people's lives that it is incredible. I want to help stop Joseph Kony and help free the children slaves and through this organization I am able to help. Invisible Children is an organization that was created to help the citizens in Africa be reunited with their children and stop the abduction of African children.
               How would you feel if you found out innocent children are being taken away from their mothers in the middle of the night and given a gun to fight in this endless civil war that is occurring in Africa? What would you do to help? Well there are people in America that have already thought about this situation are set on stopping this war and helping these children. Invisible Children is a organization, that was created for the sole purpose of helping this children.  They want to stop the abductions and create a healthy living environment where the children are not afraid to sleep at night or where they do not have to hide during the night. How would you feel if you had to hide every single night? How would you cope if you knew there was always a chance of you being abducted? If I was in this situation I would not be able to handle it and I honestly do not know how I would react to living a lifestyle like this. People complain all the time about not having the name brand items or the newest technology but every since I have heard about children being abducted that's all I can think about .So when i hear people complain all I want to say to them is at least you have a warm  home to go to tonight and that you do not have to worry about being abducted. I want to ask them if they know how many children have been abducted and how many will  today. Invisible Children has seen this issue and are wanted to help. These people are making a huge difference in the lives of Africans an I highly respect and honor them.
               A very well known documentary was filmed in 2003 by three men , Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey and Laren Poole, who decided to take a trip to Africa to experience how people live there. The invisible Children is organization which was created in 2004. Invisible Children was an organization  that was created to help save children's lives and help improve the lives for people living in Africa. In 2006 they had a "Global Night Commute" which was their first attempt at trying to being awareness to their cause and  update people on the situations that are occurring."Displace Me" was an attempt in 2008 to end the war in Africa and bring more awareness to Africa and the struggles that are occurring there. In 2009 this showed people how serious they were and how dedicated they were to their cause and I respect them for that. They had the "The Rescue" which was when people would freely get abducted so they could go in there and help the children escape. In 2011 there was a campaign named "25" this was sponsoring the amount of years that children solider have gone unheard of.  In 2012 the invisible children created the "Kony 2012" video to show people around the world how cruel and mean this man truly is and to show people what he is doing to this world.  Also in 2012 they had other campaigns to help free the children and catch Kony. in the late 1980 a vicious civil war had broken out in Africa and Joseph Kony began the group known as LRA. Around 1987 the LRA began abducting children to act as soldiers in his army. Then 2004 Invisible children was created to give a voice to these children who are not able to speak up for themselves.
          In Uganda, Africa Children are being taking to fight as soldiers in this unjust civil war that has been occurring in the Africa for many years. There is a group of people known as the LRA or Lord of Resistance Army who are the reason for kidnapping all of these children. Why are the LRA doing these horrible deeds of kidnapping children to fight because they have a vicious, dictator named Joseph Kony who is directing them to do these evil things. How would you feel if these actions were occurring in America ? Would you react the same as people are reacting to hearing about this happening in Africa? In America we have an organization known as Invisible children who are helping to fight against the war to stop child abduction.
          In 2003, three determined and inexperienced teens that decided to take a journey to Africa to see for themselves what is occurring there.  Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey and Laren Poole were the three young men that went to Africa and made a documentary about all of the things they experienced. They did not know what they were getting themselves into when they first arrived in Africa but after their stay and they realized there was a huge problem and they wanted to help fix it. They saw how scared and nervous the children were and they heard stories from mothers of abducted children and also stories from escaped child soldiers. How would you feel if you were taken from your family and was given a gun, then you were told that if you do not fight you will be killed? I would not know how to react and these children are so brave for having the courage they do. So when these three men heard about this and the LRA, they decided they wanted to help and this organization turned into a huge organization that is known about throughout the World. If you could help why would you not do everything you can?  These men decided that they wanted to help save children's life and bring an end to this civil war. They experience first hand what it is like in Africa and they felt that they should do something to help and creating the organization of invisible children is their form of helping. They want to help and save children's life, their main purpose is to help stop the children abductions. They felt a connection to the children when they went to visit, so they decided not to just leave what they saw and never do anything about it but they decided to help fix the problem. Invisible Children is a group of people who are dedicated, hard -working and skilled people who are trying to help stop child abductions and bring peace to this land that has not seen peace in a long period of time.

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