Monday, February 11, 2013

                The first commandment states that no one shall  worship any object or false god and shall only worship the one true God. Today in society it has become difficult for teenagers to take religion serious and follow the  commandments and beatitudes. This may not be because their parents don't go to church every week, that may be a reason,  but it maybe because technology has become such a huge topic in our society and a everyone wants the latest and greatest thing. Technology has become the focus of the teenagers lives. Teenagers are so absorbed in their technology that they don't do anything but focus all there attention on the social media sites such as twitter, or Facebook and  their phone. This issue is not only affecting teenagers this if affecting everyone that falls under the belief that they need to have the latest and greatest form of technology. This never made sense to me because say you have the first generation iPod why would you spend more money to buy a new iPod if that one is still working and does everything it is suppose to." Why fix what isn't broken" is the motto people need to hear.  It seems as if people feel like in order to be seen as a "popular" person they need to have the latest technology.Ok i understand if you buy a second iPod because you first one broke or something is not working right but don't waste your money on buying every new technology  that comes out. When people decide to put and object  in the most important  position in your life, which is where God should be, this is called Idolatry. Many teens fall into this pattern because they believe these items will make them truly happy. Only God can make a person truly happy.
             The society we live in today has become so obsessed with inventing new things that when they come out with something new they make commercials  that manipulate people's mind into thinking that their live could be so much better if they go out and buy a new phone or new computer or something new and the commercials make you feel as if you are missing something because you don't have that item.  The teens in our society see other people having iPhones or iPads and want to feel like they are accepted and they have convinced themselves that having the latest technology is the only way to feel accepted. Is this the way we want to live our life, always wanting to feel accepted and having to buy the latest technology to have that feeling? Why has society come down to the point where teens feel like have to have an iPhone to fit in? Technology has become a huge issue in our society  I know that people will never stop inventing new things but how can we as the generation that has been the most affected by technology stop it from taking over out lives. Teens have been given horrible reputation by older people that we don't do anything like go outside and enjoy the fresh air , teens are obsessed with technology and that's all they do teens are not the only ones obsessed their are business women and men that cannot go anywhere without their phones. Teens are not the only ones who have fallen victims to the technology that is arising in our society  Our teenage society has become hectic and obsessed with technology but if we all take a step back and look at the big picture and remember our theological virtues, we can hopefully get back onto the track that leads us to having God as the center of our lives.
           There is a large majority of teens in this country that state their religion is Catholicism  which means they are monotheistic  and have God as the main focus of their lives. Well we would like to believe this but sad to say this is not the truth.  The truth is that many teens say they are Catholics but they have money as the main focus of their life. People in our society especially banks, major CEO and important people make our  such a big deal about money how it is a life and death situation. Ok yes we need money to buy our basic necessities and to go to this fine establishment we call Bishop Kearney and to by leisure items but money should not be that important that it takes the emphasis off of God and onto money. Money is something that has become necessary to live our lives but if we have full faith and trust in God everything will turn out fine and our life will become complete because we have God in our lives. People have began worshiping money because they believe that if they have more they can buy happiness. Sad to say that you can not buy happiness the only way to be truly happy is to live in union with God. Money is the most frequent item that people put in place of God in their life. They have this belief that if they have more money they will be more happy because they can  buy leisure items, these items may make you happy for a short period of time because God is the only one to make you truly happy.My thoughts are be happy with what you have and make the best of it and keep God first.
           We all know that everyone of the Catholics are going to become Evangelical counsels  because that is not the plan that God has for each of us. This does not mean that we should act as if we are better than them and act as if our faith is pointless. People "claim" they are Catholics but are they really because they don't put God first in their life which is the first commandment and the most important. Also they don't follow the guidelines of being a catholic which includes going to church every week. Teens follow in there parents foots step on subjects like these, not to say that teens do not have the opportunity to make their own choice but in and instance that their parents do not go to church how will that child get to church if they can't drive yet. Teens are at that stage in life where they are wanting to rebel from their parents, do their own thing and do whatever feels natural to them. That is fine as long as you stay safe, stay with your faith and be careful. Teens usually make major decisions about their faith and hopefully they don't make a mistake they will regret. Teens have not always obeyed the laws and guidelines of the church because they have the mind set that they know best. Teens are not horrible people they just are at a rough point in their life and they need help and guidance to get through.
          Today's society has posed the issue for teens to put other objects in God's place in their minds. There are many outside influences such as older people , peer pressure, commercials and friends that put pressure on teens to get the new technology or become obsessed with money. The society we live in nowadays has a huge affect on the ways teens act and what they do. Some teens have turned to Atheism  because they don't believe in something they  cannot see. Why should God  have to show himself to us just to prove to some people that he exist, is it not good enough of all of the things he has done for us? Atheism is a major problems in our society because it has been spreading and becoming more and more popular among Today in our society teens have been putting false gods and objects in place of God and breaking the relationship with God.

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