Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The R Word

     Our current society tends to allow words such as "retarded" or "gay" as accepted words to insult another person.  People that have mental disorders or are retarded did not choose to live the life they have they were born with these conditions and it is not their fault. They should not be harmed from other’s stupid mistakes.

           This word was not always used to be an insult or hurt someone’s feelings; this word was used to describe a person that had mental disorders. When people use this word to hurt another person they do not realize that they making fun of someone that has a disorder. In our world many more people have health issues like this, not many people realize the extent of how many people suffer from mental retardation. My mom’s uncle’s son is mental retarded. His name is Chad and he is around 35 years old. This man is one of the nicest, funniest and kindest people I have ever met. He is caring and loving towards everyone. He enjoys activities that people like you are I do like riding his bike or hanging out with friends. Recently Chad has been living in a house with other people that have the same condition as him and he loves it. He still can live with his parents because they love him but he likes to go out and change his lifestyle a bit. When I hear someone calling another person “retarded” I think about Chad and I become disgusted with the fact that people think it is funny and ok to joke about a disorder as serious mental retardation.  When people use this word in a derogatory sense it makes me think “do they really understand what they are calling that person” “why are they making fun of a person that had no control over their situation”. It makes me upset because Chad along with other people with mental retardation are the nicest people you will meet, they are never mean and negative they just want to have a good time and have fun. Using this word in a negative sense towards someone is wrong and bad.
          The story “why we need to end the word” by Katie she is very dedicated to her cause to stop the word. She does not want to erase the word from the dictionary she wants to erase the meaning of the word that people “mix up” with the true meaning of the word. This word was never thought of or expressed the way people nowadays use it but that doesn't mean in the future things will change again and people will do the same thing to a different word. We as the future generation of society need to start clean and this is a way to start by getting rid of words that may be in our vocabulary that are used like the “r word “is used in today’s society.
           The story “the impact of the R- word” by Linda is a story that I can relate to because of my mom’s uncle’s son. When this woman is talking about the moment she heard some use that word like that it broke my heart because it has to be very hard to be a mother of a child with those disabilities and above all you have to listen to immature people saying stupid stuff like that.  This story talks about Governor Beshear signing a paper that states the new term for people with mental retardation is now known as “ intellectual disabilities” is something new for me because I did not know about it and I am happy for this change. I am not sure if it will change much but it is a good change for the future. This lady is inspirational and is trying to send the right message.
          The story called “my son” broke my heart. It is so sad to hear about a young child being hurt like this and still acting so happy and loving towards the other child. I cannot comprehend how childish and immature people are acting nowadays and it disgusts me to learn that even children are learning to use this word in a bad way. People need to learn that words hurt and should not be messed around with. Everyone goes around saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never affect me” that person is hiding the truth because everyone knows words are very painful and mean. I hope this poor child never has to go through that again.
          They story “ People like me” is inspirational, especially with the saying “We are God’s perfect creation”. This little part phased me the most because it made me realize that  people do not realize that mental disorders are important but it does not make that person less human and does not give anyone the right to harm them. I hope people realized that people with disorders are people too just like you and me they just have more health problems. Be considerate of others feelings.
          The story “ A sister’s view” by Vicki is the sister’s personal fe

elings on the use of the R – word. She says it does not affect her if someone calls her brother “mentally retarded” or “intellectual disorder”. She shows us a different side to the argument. In most of the stories we heard about how they are against it and this woman says as long as they are not using it offensively then what is the difference. I respect her opinions and agree that if they do not use it in a bad way or degrading way, then why not use the word.
          Catholics schools have a reputation for having high morals and high expectations for their students; this is understandable because you can expect the person to high morals like that. If catholic schools began banded words like “retarded” or “gay” if students use this in the sense of insults or hurting someone’s feeling. If they band the word all together then people could bring up the subject of freedom of speech  and how it is being taken away if they band it all together. They should have a certain consequence for the person when they use it in a derogatory manner. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Invisible Children

              Imagine a person you look up to because they are courageous and work for something meaningful  and that has a purpose, when I think of the people I look up to I imagine family members and invisible children workers. Invisible children is a dedicated and hard working group of people that are putting their life at risk to help save children from becoming soldiers and also try to stop the war so the current child soldiers can be reunited with their family. Invisible Children understand that human life is very valuable and needs to be cared for. Invisible Children is an organization that contains many important people that help the situation in Africa. These people are trying to make a difference in our world and help a places in Africa from Joseph Kony. Invisible Children are on a mission to free child soldiers and stop Joseph Kony. The founders of this wonderful organization and the former and current workers are people that we should all look up to and try to be, they are making such an impact on these people's lives that it is incredible. I want to help stop Joseph Kony and help free the children slaves and through this organization I am able to help. Invisible Children is an organization that was created to help the citizens in Africa be reunited with their children and stop the abduction of African children.
               How would you feel if you found out innocent children are being taken away from their mothers in the middle of the night and given a gun to fight in this endless civil war that is occurring in Africa? What would you do to help? Well there are people in America that have already thought about this situation are set on stopping this war and helping these children. Invisible Children is a organization, that was created for the sole purpose of helping this children.  They want to stop the abductions and create a healthy living environment where the children are not afraid to sleep at night or where they do not have to hide during the night. How would you feel if you had to hide every single night? How would you cope if you knew there was always a chance of you being abducted? If I was in this situation I would not be able to handle it and I honestly do not know how I would react to living a lifestyle like this. People complain all the time about not having the name brand items or the newest technology but every since I have heard about children being abducted that's all I can think about .So when i hear people complain all I want to say to them is at least you have a warm  home to go to tonight and that you do not have to worry about being abducted. I want to ask them if they know how many children have been abducted and how many will  today. Invisible Children has seen this issue and are wanted to help. These people are making a huge difference in the lives of Africans an I highly respect and honor them.
               A very well known documentary was filmed in 2003 by three men , Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey and Laren Poole, who decided to take a trip to Africa to experience how people live there. The invisible Children is organization which was created in 2004. Invisible Children was an organization  that was created to help save children's lives and help improve the lives for people living in Africa. In 2006 they had a "Global Night Commute" which was their first attempt at trying to being awareness to their cause and  update people on the situations that are occurring."Displace Me" was an attempt in 2008 to end the war in Africa and bring more awareness to Africa and the struggles that are occurring there. In 2009 this showed people how serious they were and how dedicated they were to their cause and I respect them for that. They had the "The Rescue" which was when people would freely get abducted so they could go in there and help the children escape. In 2011 there was a campaign named "25" this was sponsoring the amount of years that children solider have gone unheard of.  In 2012 the invisible children created the "Kony 2012" video to show people around the world how cruel and mean this man truly is and to show people what he is doing to this world.  Also in 2012 they had other campaigns to help free the children and catch Kony. in the late 1980 a vicious civil war had broken out in Africa and Joseph Kony began the group known as LRA. Around 1987 the LRA began abducting children to act as soldiers in his army. Then 2004 Invisible children was created to give a voice to these children who are not able to speak up for themselves.
          In Uganda, Africa Children are being taking to fight as soldiers in this unjust civil war that has been occurring in the Africa for many years. There is a group of people known as the LRA or Lord of Resistance Army who are the reason for kidnapping all of these children. Why are the LRA doing these horrible deeds of kidnapping children to fight because they have a vicious, dictator named Joseph Kony who is directing them to do these evil things. How would you feel if these actions were occurring in America ? Would you react the same as people are reacting to hearing about this happening in Africa? In America we have an organization known as Invisible children who are helping to fight against the war to stop child abduction.
          In 2003, three determined and inexperienced teens that decided to take a journey to Africa to see for themselves what is occurring there.  Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey and Laren Poole were the three young men that went to Africa and made a documentary about all of the things they experienced. They did not know what they were getting themselves into when they first arrived in Africa but after their stay and they realized there was a huge problem and they wanted to help fix it. They saw how scared and nervous the children were and they heard stories from mothers of abducted children and also stories from escaped child soldiers. How would you feel if you were taken from your family and was given a gun, then you were told that if you do not fight you will be killed? I would not know how to react and these children are so brave for having the courage they do. So when these three men heard about this and the LRA, they decided they wanted to help and this organization turned into a huge organization that is known about throughout the World. If you could help why would you not do everything you can?  These men decided that they wanted to help save children's life and bring an end to this civil war. They experience first hand what it is like in Africa and they felt that they should do something to help and creating the organization of invisible children is their form of helping. They want to help and save children's life, their main purpose is to help stop the children abductions. They felt a connection to the children when they went to visit, so they decided not to just leave what they saw and never do anything about it but they decided to help fix the problem. Invisible Children is a group of people who are dedicated, hard -working and skilled people who are trying to help stop child abductions and bring peace to this land that has not seen peace in a long period of time.

Monday, February 11, 2013

                The first commandment states that no one shall  worship any object or false god and shall only worship the one true God. Today in society it has become difficult for teenagers to take religion serious and follow the  commandments and beatitudes. This may not be because their parents don't go to church every week, that may be a reason,  but it maybe because technology has become such a huge topic in our society and a everyone wants the latest and greatest thing. Technology has become the focus of the teenagers lives. Teenagers are so absorbed in their technology that they don't do anything but focus all there attention on the social media sites such as twitter, or Facebook and  their phone. This issue is not only affecting teenagers this if affecting everyone that falls under the belief that they need to have the latest and greatest form of technology. This never made sense to me because say you have the first generation iPod why would you spend more money to buy a new iPod if that one is still working and does everything it is suppose to." Why fix what isn't broken" is the motto people need to hear.  It seems as if people feel like in order to be seen as a "popular" person they need to have the latest technology.Ok i understand if you buy a second iPod because you first one broke or something is not working right but don't waste your money on buying every new technology  that comes out. When people decide to put and object  in the most important  position in your life, which is where God should be, this is called Idolatry. Many teens fall into this pattern because they believe these items will make them truly happy. Only God can make a person truly happy.
             The society we live in today has become so obsessed with inventing new things that when they come out with something new they make commercials  that manipulate people's mind into thinking that their live could be so much better if they go out and buy a new phone or new computer or something new and the commercials make you feel as if you are missing something because you don't have that item.  The teens in our society see other people having iPhones or iPads and want to feel like they are accepted and they have convinced themselves that having the latest technology is the only way to feel accepted. Is this the way we want to live our life, always wanting to feel accepted and having to buy the latest technology to have that feeling? Why has society come down to the point where teens feel like have to have an iPhone to fit in? Technology has become a huge issue in our society  I know that people will never stop inventing new things but how can we as the generation that has been the most affected by technology stop it from taking over out lives. Teens have been given horrible reputation by older people that we don't do anything like go outside and enjoy the fresh air , teens are obsessed with technology and that's all they do teens are not the only ones obsessed their are business women and men that cannot go anywhere without their phones. Teens are not the only ones who have fallen victims to the technology that is arising in our society  Our teenage society has become hectic and obsessed with technology but if we all take a step back and look at the big picture and remember our theological virtues, we can hopefully get back onto the track that leads us to having God as the center of our lives.
           There is a large majority of teens in this country that state their religion is Catholicism  which means they are monotheistic  and have God as the main focus of their lives. Well we would like to believe this but sad to say this is not the truth.  The truth is that many teens say they are Catholics but they have money as the main focus of their life. People in our society especially banks, major CEO and important people make our  such a big deal about money how it is a life and death situation. Ok yes we need money to buy our basic necessities and to go to this fine establishment we call Bishop Kearney and to by leisure items but money should not be that important that it takes the emphasis off of God and onto money. Money is something that has become necessary to live our lives but if we have full faith and trust in God everything will turn out fine and our life will become complete because we have God in our lives. People have began worshiping money because they believe that if they have more they can buy happiness. Sad to say that you can not buy happiness the only way to be truly happy is to live in union with God. Money is the most frequent item that people put in place of God in their life. They have this belief that if they have more money they will be more happy because they can  buy leisure items, these items may make you happy for a short period of time because God is the only one to make you truly happy.My thoughts are be happy with what you have and make the best of it and keep God first.
           We all know that everyone of the Catholics are going to become Evangelical counsels  because that is not the plan that God has for each of us. This does not mean that we should act as if we are better than them and act as if our faith is pointless. People "claim" they are Catholics but are they really because they don't put God first in their life which is the first commandment and the most important. Also they don't follow the guidelines of being a catholic which includes going to church every week. Teens follow in there parents foots step on subjects like these, not to say that teens do not have the opportunity to make their own choice but in and instance that their parents do not go to church how will that child get to church if they can't drive yet. Teens are at that stage in life where they are wanting to rebel from their parents, do their own thing and do whatever feels natural to them. That is fine as long as you stay safe, stay with your faith and be careful. Teens usually make major decisions about their faith and hopefully they don't make a mistake they will regret. Teens have not always obeyed the laws and guidelines of the church because they have the mind set that they know best. Teens are not horrible people they just are at a rough point in their life and they need help and guidance to get through.
          Today's society has posed the issue for teens to put other objects in God's place in their minds. There are many outside influences such as older people , peer pressure, commercials and friends that put pressure on teens to get the new technology or become obsessed with money. The society we live in nowadays has a huge affect on the ways teens act and what they do. Some teens have turned to Atheism  because they don't believe in something they  cannot see. Why should God  have to show himself to us just to prove to some people that he exist, is it not good enough of all of the things he has done for us? Atheism is a major problems in our society because it has been spreading and becoming more and more popular among Today in our society teens have been putting false gods and objects in place of God and breaking the relationship with God.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

         Race has always been an issue in our society and will always be an issue if people do not begin to take a stand  and stop this behavior. People look down on others because of their skin color. Why is a white person seen as better or higher than a black person or a Mexican person?  Race has been the reason of many deaths in our history and still is the cause of many deaths in our society today. Race has caused our history to be very painful and horrific for African American  because of the slavery problem we had and are still struggling with today. When can race not be an issue and when can we live peacefully with one another without any violence in our lives?
           Emmett Till was a young 14 year old boy that was brutally killed for whistling, all because of  a white man assuming that Emmett was whistling at his wife. What did Emmett do wrong?  Nothing, this young boy and his family and friends suffered a loss because of people assuming that they can do anything they want. Things are different and times need to change. Certain white men's mentality on these situations are that the whites are higher and more superior than the blacks and the whites should do what they want. Wrong, everyone is equal just because your skin color is white does not mean you are higher than a person with a skin color of brown. Emmett should never had a finger laid on him, this boy was just enjoying life and was possibly whistling to a song that was stuck in his head and a horrible man assumed something different.  This young boy was taken and beaten to the point that he was hardly recognizable when his body was found. Whenever you assume something nothing good ever comes from it. Emmett Till is a hero and brave. I honor and respect him. He was one of the first incidents of black young men being killed by white men because they are being seen as threats.

             Trayvon Martin was a young black teenage boy who was living a normal teenage life, having fun with friends, going to school and spending time with his family. This young man did nothing bad that he deserved to be killed . One night Trayvon Martin was headed home from the grocery store when a man by the name of George Zimmerman felt threaten by his appearance , Trayvon's hoodie and his skin color. Zimmerman started out by doing the right thing in the case that he called the cops but after that it all went down hill. He did not listen which is wrong to begin with but it could have possibly  saved this young man's life if Zimmerman did in fact  listen. What has come of our society that people feel threaten by other because of their clothes and their skin color? If we all had the same skin color would this accident occurred? I think skin color should have no affect on how you judge another person. No one has the power to decide what color their skin is, so why should their skin color determine if they should be treated different. How would you feel if you were in the same position that Trayvon Martin was in, would you treat people of the opposite race the same every again.  Color is just a color nothing else it does not determine if you are a bad person or not, color has no relevance to the persons personality at all. Since this horrible incident occurred the only positive thing that can come about this situation is that people make an example of how you should not act by looking at Zimmerman and not following in his foot steps. Trayvon Martin will always be in our hearts forever and always.

               Jordan Davis was a black teenager that was enjoying life with his friends , driving around town, partying, acting like another teenage, so why did he have to suffer and died because he was only acting like other teenagers? What right does a white middle -age man have to take the life of another person?  Jordan  was at a  gas station with his friends putting gas into his car acting normal and like every other teenager, they love loud music because they want everyone to hear it and get into the music. Does music substitute for a person's life? A man by the name of Micheal David Dunn decided that he did not like the loud music instead of getting his gas and leaving he made a comment to the teenagers. According to Dunn they contained a gun and pointed it them but there was never a gun found. Dunn shot around 8 or 9 shots at the teens killing Jordan Davis.  Why cannot people just mind their own business and go along with their day, instead they have to take matters in their own hand and act as if they are in charge?  Why do people act like they are big shots and feel the need to take matters in their own hand? I believe this whole situation could have be avoided if this man just ignored the teenagers just like everyone else. Teenagers are at the point in life where they just want to have fun and live life. People need to understand that teens are just trying to have fun while they can because once they grow up they can not live the same life they previously have, they have to begin taking responsibility. Jordan Davis was a young heroic man that was killed for no reason except the stupidity and racism of a older white gentleman. Jordan Davis will live on forever in our heart.
               Discrimination against others  of a different skin color and the combination of  horrible, stupid bad people are the reason that some people do not have the chance to live a full luxurious life. They are the reason that these teens are not able to full succeed in everything that they could have accomplished in their life. For all was know one of these young men could have found a cure for cancer the world will never know. These to unfortunate  souls may have been able to bring something new to the world, but they will never have that chance because of the unfortunate actions that have occurred. Do you believe there will every be a time that there is no racism or violence in the world? I believe anything is possible as long as everyone on this earth is willing to work towards the same goals and make a better world for everyone.
My point is that we all need to care for each other and show respect and care for each other. No one is better than another because of the skin color. Color does not determine anything and people show be caring and loving towards other. Respect others and they will show respect back.
              White people have been given the name of "racist" because when slavery was popular in America, white southerns were the ones who owned slaves and did not treat them well. the children of the slave owners grew up with the same attitude  of life as their parents did. As time went on the attitude began to change but did it go away after the abolition movement or did it just go under the radar? Did racism ever truly disappear or is it still in our world? People put up a front for their friends and others but is it who they truly are? Why our world be full of good and love instead of what it truly is made of hate and violence? Racism is a term that we need to eliminate  on the earth so we can create a new term for everyone being in union with each other. Rest in Peace Emmett Till , Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis you have suffered  through enough and deserve so much more. You will never be forgotten.