Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The R Word

     Our current society tends to allow words such as "retarded" or "gay" as accepted words to insult another person.  People that have mental disorders or are retarded did not choose to live the life they have they were born with these conditions and it is not their fault. They should not be harmed from other’s stupid mistakes.

           This word was not always used to be an insult or hurt someone’s feelings; this word was used to describe a person that had mental disorders. When people use this word to hurt another person they do not realize that they making fun of someone that has a disorder. In our world many more people have health issues like this, not many people realize the extent of how many people suffer from mental retardation. My mom’s uncle’s son is mental retarded. His name is Chad and he is around 35 years old. This man is one of the nicest, funniest and kindest people I have ever met. He is caring and loving towards everyone. He enjoys activities that people like you are I do like riding his bike or hanging out with friends. Recently Chad has been living in a house with other people that have the same condition as him and he loves it. He still can live with his parents because they love him but he likes to go out and change his lifestyle a bit. When I hear someone calling another person “retarded” I think about Chad and I become disgusted with the fact that people think it is funny and ok to joke about a disorder as serious mental retardation.  When people use this word in a derogatory sense it makes me think “do they really understand what they are calling that person” “why are they making fun of a person that had no control over their situation”. It makes me upset because Chad along with other people with mental retardation are the nicest people you will meet, they are never mean and negative they just want to have a good time and have fun. Using this word in a negative sense towards someone is wrong and bad.
          The story “why we need to end the word” by Katie she is very dedicated to her cause to stop the word. She does not want to erase the word from the dictionary she wants to erase the meaning of the word that people “mix up” with the true meaning of the word. This word was never thought of or expressed the way people nowadays use it but that doesn't mean in the future things will change again and people will do the same thing to a different word. We as the future generation of society need to start clean and this is a way to start by getting rid of words that may be in our vocabulary that are used like the “r word “is used in today’s society.
           The story “the impact of the R- word” by Linda is a story that I can relate to because of my mom’s uncle’s son. When this woman is talking about the moment she heard some use that word like that it broke my heart because it has to be very hard to be a mother of a child with those disabilities and above all you have to listen to immature people saying stupid stuff like that.  This story talks about Governor Beshear signing a paper that states the new term for people with mental retardation is now known as “ intellectual disabilities” is something new for me because I did not know about it and I am happy for this change. I am not sure if it will change much but it is a good change for the future. This lady is inspirational and is trying to send the right message.
          The story called “my son” broke my heart. It is so sad to hear about a young child being hurt like this and still acting so happy and loving towards the other child. I cannot comprehend how childish and immature people are acting nowadays and it disgusts me to learn that even children are learning to use this word in a bad way. People need to learn that words hurt and should not be messed around with. Everyone goes around saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never affect me” that person is hiding the truth because everyone knows words are very painful and mean. I hope this poor child never has to go through that again.
          They story “ People like me” is inspirational, especially with the saying “We are God’s perfect creation”. This little part phased me the most because it made me realize that  people do not realize that mental disorders are important but it does not make that person less human and does not give anyone the right to harm them. I hope people realized that people with disorders are people too just like you and me they just have more health problems. Be considerate of others feelings.
          The story “ A sister’s view” by Vicki is the sister’s personal fe

elings on the use of the R – word. She says it does not affect her if someone calls her brother “mentally retarded” or “intellectual disorder”. She shows us a different side to the argument. In most of the stories we heard about how they are against it and this woman says as long as they are not using it offensively then what is the difference. I respect her opinions and agree that if they do not use it in a bad way or degrading way, then why not use the word.
          Catholics schools have a reputation for having high morals and high expectations for their students; this is understandable because you can expect the person to high morals like that. If catholic schools began banded words like “retarded” or “gay” if students use this in the sense of insults or hurting someone’s feeling. If they band the word all together then people could bring up the subject of freedom of speech  and how it is being taken away if they band it all together. They should have a certain consequence for the person when they use it in a derogatory manner.