Thursday, January 31, 2013

         Race has always been an issue in our society and will always be an issue if people do not begin to take a stand  and stop this behavior. People look down on others because of their skin color. Why is a white person seen as better or higher than a black person or a Mexican person?  Race has been the reason of many deaths in our history and still is the cause of many deaths in our society today. Race has caused our history to be very painful and horrific for African American  because of the slavery problem we had and are still struggling with today. When can race not be an issue and when can we live peacefully with one another without any violence in our lives?
           Emmett Till was a young 14 year old boy that was brutally killed for whistling, all because of  a white man assuming that Emmett was whistling at his wife. What did Emmett do wrong?  Nothing, this young boy and his family and friends suffered a loss because of people assuming that they can do anything they want. Things are different and times need to change. Certain white men's mentality on these situations are that the whites are higher and more superior than the blacks and the whites should do what they want. Wrong, everyone is equal just because your skin color is white does not mean you are higher than a person with a skin color of brown. Emmett should never had a finger laid on him, this boy was just enjoying life and was possibly whistling to a song that was stuck in his head and a horrible man assumed something different.  This young boy was taken and beaten to the point that he was hardly recognizable when his body was found. Whenever you assume something nothing good ever comes from it. Emmett Till is a hero and brave. I honor and respect him. He was one of the first incidents of black young men being killed by white men because they are being seen as threats.

             Trayvon Martin was a young black teenage boy who was living a normal teenage life, having fun with friends, going to school and spending time with his family. This young man did nothing bad that he deserved to be killed . One night Trayvon Martin was headed home from the grocery store when a man by the name of George Zimmerman felt threaten by his appearance , Trayvon's hoodie and his skin color. Zimmerman started out by doing the right thing in the case that he called the cops but after that it all went down hill. He did not listen which is wrong to begin with but it could have possibly  saved this young man's life if Zimmerman did in fact  listen. What has come of our society that people feel threaten by other because of their clothes and their skin color? If we all had the same skin color would this accident occurred? I think skin color should have no affect on how you judge another person. No one has the power to decide what color their skin is, so why should their skin color determine if they should be treated different. How would you feel if you were in the same position that Trayvon Martin was in, would you treat people of the opposite race the same every again.  Color is just a color nothing else it does not determine if you are a bad person or not, color has no relevance to the persons personality at all. Since this horrible incident occurred the only positive thing that can come about this situation is that people make an example of how you should not act by looking at Zimmerman and not following in his foot steps. Trayvon Martin will always be in our hearts forever and always.

               Jordan Davis was a black teenager that was enjoying life with his friends , driving around town, partying, acting like another teenage, so why did he have to suffer and died because he was only acting like other teenagers? What right does a white middle -age man have to take the life of another person?  Jordan  was at a  gas station with his friends putting gas into his car acting normal and like every other teenager, they love loud music because they want everyone to hear it and get into the music. Does music substitute for a person's life? A man by the name of Micheal David Dunn decided that he did not like the loud music instead of getting his gas and leaving he made a comment to the teenagers. According to Dunn they contained a gun and pointed it them but there was never a gun found. Dunn shot around 8 or 9 shots at the teens killing Jordan Davis.  Why cannot people just mind their own business and go along with their day, instead they have to take matters in their own hand and act as if they are in charge?  Why do people act like they are big shots and feel the need to take matters in their own hand? I believe this whole situation could have be avoided if this man just ignored the teenagers just like everyone else. Teenagers are at the point in life where they just want to have fun and live life. People need to understand that teens are just trying to have fun while they can because once they grow up they can not live the same life they previously have, they have to begin taking responsibility. Jordan Davis was a young heroic man that was killed for no reason except the stupidity and racism of a older white gentleman. Jordan Davis will live on forever in our heart.
               Discrimination against others  of a different skin color and the combination of  horrible, stupid bad people are the reason that some people do not have the chance to live a full luxurious life. They are the reason that these teens are not able to full succeed in everything that they could have accomplished in their life. For all was know one of these young men could have found a cure for cancer the world will never know. These to unfortunate  souls may have been able to bring something new to the world, but they will never have that chance because of the unfortunate actions that have occurred. Do you believe there will every be a time that there is no racism or violence in the world? I believe anything is possible as long as everyone on this earth is willing to work towards the same goals and make a better world for everyone.
My point is that we all need to care for each other and show respect and care for each other. No one is better than another because of the skin color. Color does not determine anything and people show be caring and loving towards other. Respect others and they will show respect back.
              White people have been given the name of "racist" because when slavery was popular in America, white southerns were the ones who owned slaves and did not treat them well. the children of the slave owners grew up with the same attitude  of life as their parents did. As time went on the attitude began to change but did it go away after the abolition movement or did it just go under the radar? Did racism ever truly disappear or is it still in our world? People put up a front for their friends and others but is it who they truly are? Why our world be full of good and love instead of what it truly is made of hate and violence? Racism is a term that we need to eliminate  on the earth so we can create a new term for everyone being in union with each other. Rest in Peace Emmett Till , Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis you have suffered  through enough and deserve so much more. You will never be forgotten.